Maarten Buser

Maarten Buser studied Dutch and literature at Radboud University in Nijmegen. He worked as a communications officer for a gallery, a museum and an art institution, as an (art) journalist for various magazines, newspapers and websites, and as a copywriter and marketer for the cultural and ICT sectors, among others. He also coordinated a magazine. His colleagues always knew where to find him with their language questions, because they found a linguist in the office quite handy. In this way he built up extensive experience in writing, editing and interviewing.

Maarten has set himself the goal of communicating complex issues in clear language, whether it is about the latest developments in the field of the cloud, or conceptual art for which you have to read the museum signs carefully. He does his research and asks critical questions, because he believes these are important building blocks for a good text. When he doesn’t understand something, he just asks you to explain it again – just until he has everything he needs for a story that is as informative as it is readable.

Working days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri


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