This is how you prepare your marketing strategy for 2022

December is typically the month to review the past year and to make strategic plans for the new year. Have we, as marketers, done everything right? what have we learned from this year and what points for improvement can we include in our approach for the coming year? In this blog we show a number of possible points for improvement and what you should pay attention to so that your marketing strategy is ready for 2022.

Longforms: qualitative and more extensive content

Long-form content is an extensive piece of content. Think of texts such as e-books and white papers, which are more than a thousand words long (and sometimes twice that), but also longer videos. Such in-depth content helps you in gaining the positions as a thought leader – and therefore a reliable seller or business partner. And not to forget long-form content is also rated higher by Google.


It’s important that your target audience (leads) will be triggered by the right content during the right sales and marketing phase. Therefor you need both shorter and long-form content. To find the right balance in this “content-mix” is in particular something you need to consider for your strategy the coming year. Have you mainly focused on blogs and not on longer texts? Then 2022 will be the year in which you start writing in-depth content. This is useful for lead generation, but also to strengthen your reliable reputation. The other way around also applies: if you have a lot of quantitative long-form content, but few blogs, then invest the necessary time in the latter. You can then use that to generate more attention for your longer content.

Popular long-form content: podcast

Podcasts have become increasingly popular over the years: three out of ten people listen to them regularly. So there is a good chance that you regularly listen to a podcast yourself while walking or doing household chores? But have you ever thought about creating a podcast yourself? A compact, but thorough discussion on a current topic – such as cybercrime – lends itself perfectly to a business podcast.

A round table discussion is also a popular way to create a attractive podcast. As an organization, you can subtly show your expertise in such a podcast, as long as you don’t turn it into an hour-long radio show. So invite other experts (no competitors, of course) to shed light on a current topic in different ways. Good to keep in mind: Podcasts on specific – even specialist – topics are doing well and attracting a loyal audience.

Are you considering making a podcast? Brainstorm with colleagues from different departments which current topic matches your expertise and lends itself to a podcast. Is a one-off podcast enough, or does this theme lend itself for a series of episodes? Especially with a series of podcasts, you can trigger the attention of potential customers longer and more often. Keep in mind that, strictly speaking, longform content belongs to the consideration phase of the funnel (or later), but podcasts can very well be part off the awareness-phase, because of their popularity.

Always on in 2022

Always-on marketing means that you are structurally visible to your (potential) customers. They see your content on a regular basis, which creates multiple contact moments. By offering quality content, they get an increasingly better feeling about your brand. This increases the chance that leads will actually become your customers, and that your customers will purchase from you more often. Video and social media posts are ideal tools for an always-on strategy. That depends on your willingness end discipline to structurally and strategically offer content. But if you implement this strategy you automatically will optimize your content and marketing strategy on a regular basis and maybe you will stick to your new year’s resolution.

Do you want to take your marketing strategy for 2022 to a higher level by being successful and structurally visible? Then download our e-book Always-on marketing.

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