Creating content? Ask yourself these 8 questions first!

Content is a very broad concept that you can interpret in various ways. Think of texts, but also videos, animations, infographics and even games. In theory anyone can create content. Put a few words on paper and it is actually content. The challenge is: how do you make really good content?

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine where to start creating content. Or you need guidelines, which together form a framework to work from. In both cases the questionnaire below offers a solution. By answering the questions, you map out what you want to convey and how you can do it.

Question 1: Who do I create this content item for?

Content marketing focuses on ‘providing relevant content to the target group’. In order to find out what is really important, for example what needs and challenges the target group has, you have to get into the skin of your target group, as it were. That is why it is important to prepare a buyer persona in advance.

Question 2: In which phase of the buyer journey is my target group?

If you have in mind who the target group is, the next step is to determine which phase of the purchasing process, the so-called buyer journey, is located. If someone is in the ‘Awareness’ phase, he has barely studied the subject. The content you offer must then be broader, for example an e-book about trends and developments. In the final stage, the ‘Decision’ phase, the potential customer only needs a little boost. A brochure with specifications or a demonstration video is very suitable.

Question 3: What do I want to achieve with this content?

Are you going for as much traffic as possible on your website, for brand awareness, or is thought leadership more important? It is important to determine this in advance, because that determines whether the approach is more commercial or more informative.

Question 4: Which content form best suits the message I want to convey?

Not only the content but also the form of a content item determines the success. If you want to easily explain a complex system, a short animation video is a good match. However, if you go into depth with a particular topic, it is better to write a detailed whitepaper.

Question 5: Where will I publish it?

Find out which platforms or channels your target audience is on. For example, it can be a nice investment to publish something on a specific platform for professionals, but then you immediately have your target group.

Question 6: Which tone of voice will I use?

To ensure that your content item is in line with the rest of the communications, it is essential to know the tone of voice within your organization. Is it a bit more formal or will your (potential) customers like a more informal tone of voice? It can also differ slightly per channel. The tone of voice is often a bit smoother on social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram than on a business platform such as LinkedIn.

Question 7: Who can I use as a source?

Often there is a lot of knowledge within an organization, but that knowledge is not used optimally. This is a missed opportunity! Think about which of your colleagues could provide you with input. Or is there an external specialist who could make himself available for a guest blog?

Question 8: What existing content can I reuse?

Creating content takes time. Therefore, look at what has already been created in the past and whether you can adjust or update it so that you can reuse it. Fun fact: the blog you are currently reading is also ‘recycled’ from an existing presentation.

Do you still need support in creating content after answering this questionnaire? Our content specialists are happy to assist you! Feel free to contact us here!

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